What Does Oregano Grow Well With: Tips for Gardeners

Are you a fan of fresh herbs in your culinary creations? If so, then oregano is undoubtedly one of your go-to herbs in the kitchen. But did you know that oregano is also an herbal plant that grows well with many other companion plants?

If you’re looking to create a thriving herb garden in your kitchen or backyard, then understanding what oregano grows well with is essential. In this section, we will explore the ideal companions for oregano and provide valuable tips for successful oregano gardening.

The Benefits of Growing Oregano in Your Herb Garden

If you’re looking to add some flavor and aroma to your herbs collection in the kitchen, oregano is a must-have for your herb garden. It’s versatile, easy to grow, and adds an extra zing to your meals. Not only is it a flavorful herb, but it also has numerous health benefits, including antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

Growing herbs in your kitchen is a fantastic way to incorporate fresh, healthy ingredients into your cooking. Herbs such as oregano are easy to grow and maintain, and you can harvest it all year round. Growing your herbs will also save you money and make your kitchen look and smell great at the same time.

Oregano can be grown both indoors and outdoors, making it an ideal herb for first-time gardeners. If you’re planning to start an outdoor herb garden, make sure to choose a spot that gets plenty of sunlight and has well-draining soil.

When growing oregano in a pot indoors, make sure the pot is big enough to accommodate its root system. Oregano likes to stay moist, so water frequently and ensure the soil is well-draining.

Overall, growing herbs such as oregano is an easy and rewarding way to enhance your culinary experience. Add it to your herb garden today and enjoy its many benefits.

Companion Plants for Oregano: The Perfect Pairings

Oregano is a versatile herb that grows well with a variety of plants, making it an excellent addition to any herb garden. As a companion plant, oregano’s strong scent can help repel pests that may damage other plants while also attracting beneficial insects like bees and butterflies.

One great herb to grow alongside oregano is thyme. This pairing works particularly well in a kitchen herb garden, as both herbs are commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine. Thyme’s low-growing habit also makes it an excellent ground cover that can protect the soil and help retain moisture.

Basil is another herb that grows well with oregano. Both herbs share similar growing conditions and have a complementary flavor profile that makes them an excellent choice for many dishes. Growing basil alongside oregano can also help protect against pests like tomato hornworms which can be particularly damaging to tomato plants.

Marigolds and Oregano

Marigolds are a popular ornamental plant that can also serve as an excellent companion plant for oregano. Marigolds’ bright colors and strong scent can help repel pests and attract beneficial insects to the garden. When planted alongside oregano, marigolds can also help improve soil health by suppressing harmful nematodes that may damage other plants.

Chives are another great companion plant for oregano. These herbs have a similar flavor profile and can be used interchangeably in many dishes. Additionally, chives’ long, slender leaves make them an attractive addition to any herb garden.

A final herb that grows well with oregano is rosemary. Both herbs require well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight, making them ideal companions for one another. Rosemary’s woody stems and fragrant leaves also make it an excellent ornamental plant that can add a touch of elegance to any garden.

Overall, there are many great options for companion plants that pair well with oregano. Whether you’re looking to improve soil health, repel pests, or enhance the flavor of your culinary creations, growing oregano alongside these herbs is sure to lead to a thriving garden ecosystem.

Oregano Planting Combinations for Maximum Growth

Companion planting is key to a thriving herb garden, and oregano is no exception. When choosing ideal companions for oregano, consider plants that share similar growing conditions and have complementary benefits. Here are some plants that thrive with oregano:


Thyme is an ideal companion for oregano as it enjoys the same growing conditions and has similar culinary uses. Both herbs thrive in full sun and well-draining soil. When planted together, thyme can help repel pests such as cabbage worms and flea beetles that may damage oregano.


Marjoram is another herb that complements oregano, both in terms of flavor and growing requirements. Marjoram prefers similar soil and sun conditions and has a sweeter flavor, making it an excellent addition to herb blends when cooking. Planting marjoram alongside oregano can help attract beneficial insects such as parasitic wasps and ladybugs that prey on common garden pests.


Basil is an excellent companion for oregano due to its similar growing requirements and ability to repel pests such as mosquitoes and flies. These two herbs are also culinary companions, often used together in tomato-based dishes and pizzas. When planted together, basil can help repel common garden pests while also attracting beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies.

When considering ideal planting combinations for oregano, keep in mind the plant’s growing requirements, flavor and whether it is beneficial to the garden as a whole. By strategically planting these herbs together, you can create a thriving garden ecosystem that benefits both the plants and the environment.

Tips for Caring for Oregano and Its Companions

Once you have successfully planted your oregano and its companions, it is essential to care for them properly. Here are some tips to ensure their well-being and longevity:

1. Watering

Oregano and its companion plants require regular watering to thrive, especially during dry spells. Remember to water them deeply rather than shallowly as this encourages root growth.

2. Fertilizing

Fertilizing your oregano and its companions every two to three weeks during the growing season helps to promote healthy growth and a bountiful harvest. Use a balanced fertilizer high in nitrogen to encourage more green growth.

3. Pruning

Pruning is an essential part of caring for oregano and its companion plants. Ensure to remove any dead or diseased leaves regularly to prevent the spread of diseases.

4. Pests

Occasionally, pests can attack your oregano and its companion plants. Implement preventative measures such as companion planting with pest-repelling plants to avoid infestations. If pests appear, try natural remedies such as neem oil spray or insecticidal soap before resorting to harsher chemicals.

5. Harvesting

Harvesting your oregano and its companion plants regularly can help to promote new growth and prevent the plants from becoming leggy. Cut the stems just above a pair of leaves to encourage bushier growth.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your oregano and its companion plants thrive and provide you with an abundance of fresh herbs for your culinary adventures.

Harvesting and Using Oregano and Its Companions

After successfully growing your oregano and its companion plants, it’s time to harvest and utilize them in your culinary adventures. Oregano and its companions are versatile herbs that can enhance the flavor of a wide variety of dishes. Here are some tips on how to best harvest and use them.

Harvesting Oregano

The best time to harvest oregano is in the morning, after the dew has dried but before the sun is high in the sky. The essential oils in the leaves are at their most concentrated during this time, making for a more flavorful and aromatic herb. To harvest oregano, simply cut the stems down to the base of the plant and remove any dead or damaged leaves. You can use the leaves fresh or dry them for later use.

Using Oregano in the Kitchen

Oregano is a staple herb in many cuisines, most notably Italian and Greek. It pairs well with tomatoes, garlic, onions, and other herbs like basil and thyme. Use fresh oregano to add a bold, peppery flavor to salads, pizzas, and pasta sauces, or dry it to use in marinades, rubs, and spice blends. Oregano also has many health benefits, including being high in antioxidants and having anti-inflammatory properties.

Harvesting Companion Plants

Many of the plants that grow well with oregano can also be harvested and used in cooking. Here are some examples:

  • Thyme: Harvest thyme in the morning just like oregano. It has a similar flavor profile and pairs well with oregano in many dishes.
  • Chives: Cut chives down to the base of the plant and use the long, thin leaves in salads, soups, and as a garnish.
  • Basil: Harvest basil by pinching off the top leaves of the plant. It has a sweet, slightly peppery flavor and is the perfect addition to tomato-based dishes.

Using Companion Plants in the Kitchen

Companion plants can be used in much the same way as oregano. Thyme, chives, and basil all add unique flavors to dishes and can be used fresh or dried. Thyme pairs well with poultry and fish, while chives add a mild onion flavor to dips and spreads. Basil is a must-have herb for Italian cooking and can be used in everything from pesto to Caprese salad.

Experiment with different combinations of oregano and its companion plants to find your own unique flavor profile. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try something new!

Troubleshooting Common Oregano Companion Planting Issues

While growing oregano with companion plants is generally an easy and successful process, some common issues may arise that can hinder the growth and health of your plants.

Issue 1: Overcrowding

Overcrowding is a common problem that occurs when too many plants are grown in a small space. Oregano needs a decent amount of space to thrive, and overcrowding can lead to a lack of sunlight, airflow, and nutrients.

Solution: Be sure to give your oregano and its companion plants enough space to grow, and avoid planting too many plants in one location. Consider thinning out your seedlings or transplanting them to a larger area if necessary.

Issue 2: Improper Soil

The quality of soil directly impacts the growth and health of your plants. Oregano prefers well-draining soil that is rich in nutrients, so planting in heavy or compacted soil can impede growth.

Solution: Ensure that your soil is well-draining and enrich it with organic matter such as compost or aged manure. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to waterlogged soil and root rot.

Issue 3: Pest and Disease Infestations

Pests and diseases can quickly spread throughout a garden and affect all plants, including those growing alongside oregano. Common pests that may attack oregano and its companion plants include aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies.

Solution: Regularly inspect your plants for signs of infestation and take immediate action if necessary. Consider using natural pest control methods such as neem oil or insecticidal soap.

Issue 4: Incompatible Companion Plants

While oregano grows well with many different plants, there are some that it doesn’t get along with. Incompatible companion plants can stunt the growth of oregano and lead to an unhealthy garden ecosystem.

Solution: Research which plants are suitable companions for oregano and avoid planting incompatible plants together.

By addressing these common issues, you can ensure the successful growth of your oregano and its companion plants. Remember to regularly care for your plants and provide them with the necessary nutrients to keep them healthy and thriving.


In conclusion, oregano is a versatile and easy-to-grow herb that can thrive when planted alongside the right companion plants. With its fragrant aroma and flavorful taste, it’s a must-have for any herb garden, whether you have a small indoor setup in your kitchen or a larger outdoor garden.

Remember to choose plants that complement oregano’s growing conditions, such as well-draining soil and full sun exposure. Some great companion plants for oregano include thyme, basil, sage, and rosemary.

In addition to enhancing the taste of your meals, growing oregano and its companion plants can also benefit your garden’s ecosystem. By attracting beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, you can create a healthy and thriving garden.

To ensure the health of your oregano and its companion plants, make sure to water them regularly and provide them with the proper nutrients. And when it’s time to harvest, be sure to do so when the plant has reached maturity and is at its peak flavor.

By following these tips and experimenting with different planting combinations, you can create a successful and rewarding herb garden that will provide you with fresh and delicious ingredients all year round. Happy gardening!


Q: What does oregano grow well with?

A: Oregano grows well with a variety of companion plants, including thyme, sage, basil, parsley, and marjoram.

Q: Can I grow oregano in my herb garden in the kitchen?

A: Yes, oregano is an excellent addition to an herb garden in the kitchen. It is a versatile herb that can be easily accessed for cooking.

Q: Are there any specific plants that grow well with oregano?

A: Yes, oregano thrives alongside plants such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and beans. These plants benefit from the aromatic properties of oregano.

Q: How do companion plants contribute to a thriving garden ecosystem?

A: Companion plants can attract beneficial insects, repel pests, and improve soil health, creating a balanced and vibrant garden ecosystem.

Q: What are some ideal planting combinations for oregano?

A: Some ideal planting combinations for oregano include pairing it with rosemary, lavender, and thyme. These plants complement each other’s growth habits and provide a visually appealing garden bed.

Q: How should I care for oregano and its companion plants?

A: To care for oregano and its companion plants, provide regular watering, ensure proper drainage, mulch to conserve moisture, and provide adequate sunlight. Avoid over-fertilization and maintain good air circulation.

Q: How do I harvest and use oregano and its companion plants?

A: Oregano and its companion plants should be harvested using sharp scissors or pruners. Trim the stems just above a set of healthy leaves. The harvested herbs can be used fresh or dried for later use in culinary dishes.

Q: What are some common issues in oregano companion planting and how can I troubleshoot them?

A: Common issues in oregano companion planting include overcrowding, nutrient deficiencies, and pest infestations. To troubleshoot these issues, thin out overcrowded plants, provide appropriate fertilization, and address pest problems with organic solutions.

Q: What are the key points to remember about oregano and its companion plants?

A: Oregano grows well with various companion plants, contributes to a thriving garden ecosystem, and requires proper care for successful growth. Harvesting and utilizing oregano and its companions enhance culinary experiences. Troubleshoot common issues to maintain a healthy garden. Experiment and enjoy the benefits of oregano companion planting in your own garden.

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My initial goal is for my family & everybody to live in a greener world and to be more self sufficient in what we grow and consume on a daily basis

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